We are grateful for the generous financial and in-kind support we have received during the past year from our many friends in the community. Gifts to the museum help us to upgrade our equipment, expand our services and programs, as well as create new exhibits and opportunities to reach out and honor San Diego’s veterans. As we embark on a series of ambitious new projects we hope you will “earn your stars” by helping us to keep up the good work!
City of San Diego, Commission for Arts and Culture
County of San Diego
Fleet Foundation
Veterans First

Boos-Allen-Hamilton, Inc.
California Council for the Humanities
Lead San Diego
Rodrigo & Winifred Melendez
Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Chapter 3
San Diego Gas & Electric
Dr. Abraham Shragge, Ph.D.
Thursday Club
Viejas Enterprises
Advanced Data Corporation
Best Productions, Inc.
BG Robert Cardenas
BPOE, Chapter 1812
CAPT Tom Splitgerber, USN/Ret
Casey Gagan
Chet and Cleo Swisher
Dignity Memorial/SCI California
Disabled American Veterans
Distinguished Flying Cross Society,
Jackson and Perkins Nursery
King Stahlman
Lindbergh Chapter
Lucille Tubbs
Mr. & Mrs. Trout
Mr. William G. Young
Mrs. Helen Treat
Retired Officers Association, San Diego
San Diego Padres
Unified Port of San Diego
University of California, San Diego
US Naval Academy Association
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Vietnam Veterans of San Diego
Xerox Corporation
Abe Shragge
Barona Valley Ranch
Bill Simon
Chaplain Ronald Ritter
Charles Dugan
Community Service Association of San Diego City Schools
DFC Society/San Diego Lindbergh Chapter
Dominick Frankville
Dominick Frankville
George Kost
George Stant
George Welch
James Stodola
Jesse Ugalde
Lucille Tubbs
NOSC of San Diego
Pearl Harbor Survivors/Chapter 3
Peter Houben
Robert Cardenas
Thomas & Judy Splitgerber
U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association
Walter Mikulich
Will Hays
Air Force Sergeants Association of San Diego
American Legion Post 275
Barbara and Lois Gilmore
Brandon Dehon
Cal-Diego PVA
Carolyn Gonsalves
Don Schloat
Dorothy Green
Duncan Hunter
Edna De Vos
Ernest Olson
Fleet Reserve Association
“Fran” Derby
Glenn Cummings
Helen Treat
Howard Wayne
Irving Kern
J. Gonsalves, Jr.
Jake Jacobsen
James Bonner
Jeffrey Wright
Joe Ciokon, Jr.
John O’Neill
Jose Maldonado, Jr.
Leslie and Irene Parrish
Linda Perry
Lisa Holt
Lucille and Thomas Dalbey
Marshall Ward
Morrell Moran
P.M. Klauber
Patty Lee
Randy “Duke” Cunningham
Robert Porter
Robert Smith
Robert Turney
Robert Vaughn
Rose Ellen Howard
Samuel Henry
Stuart & Wanda Hedley
USS San Diego Memorial
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 472
WAC Veterans Chapter 50
Women’s Overseas Service League
Agnes Danna
Al Steele
Alan & Carol Wilson
American Merchant Marine Veterans
Arnold & Peggy Olson
Ben Boosinger
Betty Nicks
C.S. Judson
Cal & Nell Swanson
Carl Nelson
China-India-Burma Veterans
Claudia Thew
Dale Arn
Dan Buckley
David Nash
David Smith
Derrick Evans
Don Prior
Donald & Phyllis Peck
Ed Johnson
Edward Behm
Eloise Buker
Eric Atno
Errold Hendrix
Eva Noble
Evelyn Ogburn
Florence & W. Tyler Morris
Francis Rynearson
George Smith
Georgia Cootware
Gerard Donovan
Gerhart Mehner
Gregory Potter
Harry Pebley
Herma Sullivan
Hispanic American Airborne Association
Jack Ensch
James & Geraldine Ray
James & Ginger Ramage
James & Maria Taggart
James & Marie Anderson
James Ard
James Lee, M.D.
Jerome Levy
Jerry Harken
Jerry Stadtmiller
Jim Richardson
John Cash
John Hancock
John Hardebeck, M.D.
Jurolph Oen
K.D. Oberholzer
Kathleen Farrell
Kathryn Akers
Kenneth Reynolds
Kenneth Trent
L.C. Judkins
M. Steller
Marion Hull
Miles Hunter
Morgan Smith
Mt. Miguel High School
Nancy Owen
Nina Sharp
Pat Isaacs
Peggy Russell
R.E. Skinner
Ralph Held
Richard Field
Richard Holland
Richard Shigley
Robert Cox
Ron Foo
Roy Voelker
Sally Kiely
Silver Salts of San Diego
Special Forces Chapter 75
Toni Stewart
Vernard Wilbur
Vernon Cook
VFW Post 3788
VFW Post 5179
VFW Post 5985
Walter Chisholm
Walter Kosky
Waves Unit 36/Stars and Stripes
William Clemons
380th Bomb Group Association
A.L. Wallace III
Abraham Shragge, Ph.D
Al & Phyllis Winzenried
Alan Smith
Albert Lowe
Albert Querbach
Albert Vaudo
Alexandro Tejeda
Alexis Ciurczak
Alfonso Gessenius
Alfred Asch
Alison Kennedy
Allen Saiget
Alvan Fisher
Alyce Evans
Amador Espinosa
Andrew Halasz
Andrew Rosenfeld
Andy Andrews
Andy Hauck
Anita D. Thompson
Anita Thompson
Antoinett & Diane DeBenedictus
Antonio Bertapelle
Arlene Dodson
Art Rivkin
Arthur & Isabel Thurber
Arthur Anthony
Arthur Brainard
Arthur Brandt
Beatrice Becker
Beatrice Harman
Benedict Yedlin
Benjamin Trust
Berge Manoogian, Rev.
Bert Betts
Bertha Quigg
Beth Dewitt
Betty Miller
Bill Chana
Bill Drew
Bill Edmunds
Billie Liljedahl
Bob & Evelyn Klees
Bob & Jean Allen
Bob Vanderveen
Bruce Bowers
Bruce Higginbotham
Bryan Broderick 107-V
Byron Calomiris
Calvin Davidson
Candace Humber
Capt. Laurence Gross
Carl Cobb
Carl Crider
Carl Epting, Jr.
Carl Roberts
Caroline Harkins
Carroll Cheek
Charles & Marlee Calder
Charles and Margaret Goldsmith
Charles Dwyer
Charles McCreight
Charles Money
Charles Rauch
Charles Schlegel
Charles Schroeder
Charles Sill
Charles Sweeney
Charles Wallace
Charlotte Shower
Chester Harrison
Chuck & Gitty Oursler
Clarence & Winifred Luhmann
Clarence Chamberlain
Clark & Constance Sachse
Claude Waldrop
Clint Wilkins
Clyde Holland
Col. Carl Silber, Jr.
Connie Grove
Convair Alumni Association, Inc
Corrine Cernuto
Courtney Shanken
Cynthia Kaase
D & Mary Bergstrom
Dag Larsen
Dale Bates
Dan Muat
Daniel & Diane Topolski
Daniel Murray
Daniel Orr
Daniel Pack
Daniel Sjodini
Darrel Hunstable
Dave & Sue Dunn
Dave Yahr
David & Joan Aldrich
David Grinnell
David Hickey
David Johnson
David Mulliner
David Parham
Davis Cochran
Dennis Cavit
Derek Shebby
Devere McRorie
Dick Lynch
Don Schaapman
Donal Erskine
Donald & Mary Mullin
Donald & Natalie Strutz
Donald Hyde
Donald Johnston
Donald L. Deubler, Deublin Co.
Donald Partain
Donald Seiler
Donald Tuohy
Doraine Offerman
Doris Morehead
Dorty Perez
Dr. Jeffrey Pressman
Dr. W. K. Ramstad
Duane & Prieta Shockey
E. Marjorie Ziegler
Earl Holmquist
Ed Greene
Edward Burrier
Edward Marxen
Edward Zobac
Edwin Sealy
Edwin Slick
Eldon, “Bud” Lawson
Eleanor Riordan
Elmo Maiden
Emil & Cornell Iliescu
Emmett Hearn
Eric Sherman
Ernest Gavitt
Ernest Neal
Evelyn DeCou
E. Bauwens
Family Friends of Eugene T. Kramer
Fernando Tellez, M.D.
Fielder Newton
Francene Weyland
Francis Burger
Francis Popham
Frank Allen III
Frank Benjamin
Frank Farrell
Frank Grew
Fred & Carole Givant
Fred Shein
Fred Sparrevohn
Frederick Scholz
G.M. Jimmie Guynn
Gary Price
Gene & Lydia Van Blarcon
General Dynamics Corporation
George & Michelle Welsh
George Goodwin
George Kuchenbecker
George Lymburn
Gini Belward
Gordon & Christine Jo Engh
Gordon Stone
Gregory Gieselman
Guyon Phillips
Harland Little, Jr.
Harold Carlson
Harold Hansen
Harold Jacobs
Harold Penner
Harold Retchin
Harold Schryver
Harry Bullis
Harry Kaplan
Harry Orthman
Harvey Thompson
Henry Leboffe
Henry Wedaa
Herb Hausner
Herbert Leopold
Herman Herdt
Howard & Sandra Gillins
Howard Frohman
Hugh Bennett
Irving Weisman
Jack Musburger
Jack Roberts
Jack Stevens
Jackie Shapiro
Jacquelin Coakley Bromm
James & Barbara Person
James Calder
James Dyke
James Fink
James Lippert
James Lorenz
James McAteer
James McCarthy, III
James Messineo
James Thomas
James Woodward
Jane Laddon
Janet Engelmann
Janet Finnegan
Jeffrey Shadle
Jen & Tony Faye
Jennifer Goodale
Jess Taylor
Jessie Trevino
Jewish War Veterans
Jim & Anita Cherkauer
Jim Agee
Jim Kiernan
Jim McIntosh
Joe & Peggy Brunner
Joel Harris
John & Lydia Evers
John & Sally Staley
John Campbell
John Devney
John Duncan
John Eiermann
John Featherstone
John Fennell
John Ferris
John Foster
John Gately
John Hileman
John Hill
John Jolly
John Lamar, Jr.
John Lansing H. J. Lark
John Lull
John Mansfield
John Moore
John Mundorff
John Pickerel, Jr.
John Romine
John Smith
John Yatsko
John Zeien
Joseph & Elizabeth Nenning
Joseph Catanoso
Joseph Colasuonno
Julian Ertz
Julie Hood
June Moeser
June Southard
Karen Kerr
Katherine Costello
Kathleen Arrants
Keith Ace
Kelsey McMillan
Kenneth “Dick” Hawes
Kenneth Barnet
Kenneth Healy
Kenneth Scroggins
Kent Madsen
Kevin Lundy
Kimberly Gee
King Schultz
L.C. McCune
Larry & May Schell
Larry Rosenberg
Lawrence Hickey
Lawrence Wissman
Lee Chalifour
Lee Shinn
Lejetta Davis
Leonard Holtzman
Leonard Howell, Jr.
Leonard Rose
Leroy Mundt
Leslie Bodor
Lester Ronsberg
Linda Brickson
Linda Cone
Linda Jackson
Linda Wilson
Link Veazey
Lloyd Bowen
Lloyd Fry
Lloyd Prang
Lloyd Veeder
Lorraine Crowley
Lou Conde
Louis Deutsch
Louis Zamperini
Mae Lucca
Malcolm Campbell
Marguerite Stitt
Marilyn Rich
Marvin Davis
Marvin Graham
Mary Reinhart
Matthew Hegerle
Maurice Bloom, Jr.
Max Hullinger
Maxine Mueller
Merrill Baker
Merrit Filler & Family
Michael Bogosta
Michael Connery
Michael McAteer
Michael McGlothlen
Michael Moramarco
Michael Woiwode
Molly & Louis Loevsky
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yahr
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Border
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Baker
Mr. Goldberg
Mr. Julius & Mrs. Pat Raetz
Mrs. Douglas Craig
Mrs. Harry Romain
Mrs. Jane Gelvin & Family
Neal E. & Patricia Sorensen
Nick Phillips
Norman Tillner
Norman Wiseman
Orville Howells
Oscar Teel
Patricia Kaupp
Paul & Barbara Winters
Paul & Nona Park
Paul Beilstein
Paul Marschalk
Paul Stevens
Pearl DiCiacca
Pearl Ramey
Perry Morse
Peter Weichert’s
Phillip Winter
Phoenix Wing AAHS
Phyllis Kirschner
Phyllis Turell
Rafaela Shockey
Ralph Lynn, Jr.
Ralph Tierney
Ray Patel
Ray Skinner
Raymond & Joan Klinke
Raymond & Phyllis Armbrust
Raymond Johnson
Raymond Kravetz
Raymond Starr
Raymond Strong
RDML Rod & Wynne Melendez USN/Ret
Rebecca Alsip
Reed Sprinkel
Richard & Genevieve Barcheski
Richard Baynes
Richard Brown
Richard Butler
Richard L. & Judith Curry
Richard Learman
Richard Pulse
Richard Rogers
Rick & Beverly Rosinski
Rick, Tony & Luke Gulley
Rita & William Fitzpatrick
Robert & Cecelia Wright
Robert Anderson
Robert B. “Rob” Hooper
Robert Barmore
Robert Barthelmess
Robert Bleier
Robert Boebel
Robert Conrad, Jr.
Robert Cooper
Robert Fox
Robert Gentry, Jr.
Robert Hartlieb
Robert Johnson
Robert Kraft
Robert Kuntz
Robert Lehnhausen
Robert Long
Robert McCormack
Robert Morrison, Jr.
Robert Romain
Robert Russell
Robert Sinsabaugh
Robert Sternfels
Robert Vickers
Robert Wallace
Robert Winks
Robert Wright
Roland Fisher
Ross Packard
Samuel Thompson
Saundra Herman
Scott Bonnet
Sharon Edwards
Shawn & Carla Caldwell
Sheila Riddell
Sherry Keith
Shirley Gordon
Shirley Horton
Shirley Myers Humphrey
Stanley Chester
Stanley Jones
Stephen Bennett
Stephen Korcheck
Stephen Rankin
Steve & Lucille Pilibos
Steven Goldblatt
Steven Schanes
Stuart Merwin
Ted Mahoney
The Everett Anderson Families
The Family of Ardith & Joe Famme
Theodore McConnell
Theodore Nussbickel
Theodore Williams
Thomas Girvan
Thomas Qualman
Thomas Reed
Thomas Sargent
Thorpe Friar
Thos A. & Donna M. Gelvin
Tim & Heather Calder
Timothy Cunningham
Tom & Judy Splitgerber
Tom Demarino
V. Dale Haas
V. Louise Dahl
Vicki Scott
Victor De Ganna
Victor Scholten
Virg Carothers
Vivienne Emnott
W.E. McClellan, Jr.
W.H. “Bill” Beasley
Walter Kreskowski
Walter Mikulich
Walter Wegner
Warren Jackson
Wayne Tabor
Wes Stone
Wesley & Gretchen Miller
Wilbur & Jeane Stites
Wilbur Mayhew
Wiley Nobel
William “Bill” Becker
William “Rip” Swink
William (Bill) & Marian Hooper
William Coleman
William Cullen
William Glasgow
William Hagan
William Haggerty
William Hardin
William Kleier
William Lockett, Jr.
William McCracken
William Richard
William Riggle
William Rueckert Sargent
William Talarico, Jr.
William White
Willis Miller
Winifred Jewell
Wolverine Bank
22nd Bomb Group (H) “Red Raiders”
2nd Air Division Assoc. Of Southern California
2nd Air Division Assoc. Of Southern California – Debriefing Team
30th Bombardment Group (H)
380th Bomb Group (H) Assoc. “Flying Circus”
389th Bomb Group (H) “The Sky Scorpions”
392nd Bomb Group (H) Memorial Assoc.
394th Bomb Squadron, 5th Bomb Group (H)
43rd Bomb Group (H) “Ken’s Men”
445th Bomb Group (H) Veterans Association
446th Bomb Group (H) Association
448th Bomb Group (H) Association
44th Bomb Group (H) Assoc. “Flying 8 Balls”
453rd Bomb Group (H) Association
458th Bombardment Group (H)
459th Bomb Group (H) Association
465th Bombardment Group (H)
466th Bomb Group (H) Association
467th Bomb Group (H) Association
489th Bomb Group (H) Association
491st Bomb Group (H) “The Ringmasters”
492nd Bomb Group (H) Association
579th Bomb Squadron, 392nd Bomb Group (H)
5th Bombardment Group (H) Association
780th Bomb Squadron, 465th Bomb Group (H)
801st/492nd Bomb Group (H) “The Carpetbaggers”
8th AFHS, Gen. Curtis E. Lemay Chapter
90th Bomb Group (H) “The Jolly Rogers”
93rd Bomb Group (H) “Teds Traveling Circus”
B-17 Combat Crewman & Wingmen Association
Beyster Family Foundation
Convair Alumni Association, Inc.
David R. Hickey: Coradino, Hickey & Hanson A CPA Corp.
David Reed, Landscape Architects
Drew Ford, San Diego
General Dynamics Corporation
Goodrich Corporation Aerostructures Group
Heritage League Of The 2nd Air Division
International B-24 Liberator Club
Jewish War Veterans Of The USA, Harry Apelman San Diego Post 185
Marco Crane & Rigging Company
Navy PB Squadron Vpb-117 “The Blue Raiders”
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ramona Café, Bob And Sonja Vanderveen
Stu Segall Productions
The San Diego Foundation – Reuben H. Fleet Foundation Fund
Women’s Overseas Service League